Awards Results


We have been overwhelmed by the quality of nominations for Best Dissertation and Best Supervisor and we look forward to recognising the exceptional talent of our SICSA colleagues at our Conference Dinner on Wednesday, 25 June.

Best Dissertation 2024 Nominees

Ronald  Cardenas

On the Trade-off between Redundancy and Cohesion in Extractive Summarization

Simon Davies

Contributions to Crypto-Ransomware Analysis and Detection

Alec Diallo

Active Intelligence for Secure Systems: Designing High-Performance, Robust, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems for Cyber-Security

Aiden  Durrant 

Self-Supervised Representation Learning in Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Embedding Space

Lucy  Havens

Recalibrating Machine Learning for Social Biases: Demonstrating a New Methodology through a Case Study Classifying Gender Biases in Archival Documentation

Chloe  Hequet

Biologically-informed Interpretable Deep Learning Techniques for BMI Prediction and Gene Interaction Detection

Shaun  Macdonald 

Investigating Emotionally Resonant Vibrations as a Calming Intervention for People with Social Anxiety

Florian  Mathis

Moving usable security research out of the lab: evaluating the use of VR studies for real-world authentication research

Jhielson Montino Pimental

Unfolding Neurorobotics as a Tool to Investigate Regular and Disrupted Neural Activities using Humanoid Robots

Gabriel Okolo

Machine learning Applications for Medical Imaging

Martin Ross 

An Adaptive Robot for Sports and Rehabilitation Coaching

Patrick  Schrempf

NLP-Supervised Stroke Detection in Medical Images

Tin Tironsakkul

Behind the Chain of Obscurity: Methodologies for Cryptocurrency Forensic Analysis

Best Supervisor 2024 Nominees

Matt Aitkenhead, Abertay University

Muhammed Akram, Abertay University

Joseph Akunna, Abertay University

Ross Anderson, University of Edinburgh

John Babraj, Abertay University

Antonio Barbalace, University of Edinburgh

Edwin Brady, University of St Andrews

Peter Cruickshank, Edinburgh Napier University

Mark Deakin, Edinburgh Napier University

Arash Eshghi, Heriot-Watt University

Daniel Gilmour, Abertay University

Keng Goh, Edinburgh Napier University

Michael Herrmann, University of Edinburgh

Jason Jacques, University of St Andrews

Suha Jaradat, Edinburgh Napier University

Ehsan Jorat, Abertay University

Mohamed Khamis, University of Glasgow

Aggelos Kiayias, University of Edinburgh

Markulf Kohlweiss, University of Edinburgh

Georgios Leontidis, University of Aberdeen

Lynn Love, Abertay University

Christopher Lucas, University of Edinburgh

Rich Macfarlane, Edinburgh Napier University

Stefano Paoli, Abertay University

Yuvraj Patel, University of Edinburgh

Dimitrios Pezaros, University of Glasgow

Ajitha Rajan, University of Edinburgh

David Scott, Abertay University

Chan See, Edinburgh Napier University

Islam Shyha, Edinburgh Napier University

Amjad Ullah, Edinburgh Napier University

Antonio Vergari, University of Edinburgh

Hongnian Yu, Edinburgh Napier University

Ciprian Zavoianu, Robert Gordon University