Best Dissertation Nominees
We were delighted to announce the following nominees from our 2024 awards. Congratulations to our winners who have a trophy beside their name!
Ronald Cardenas
On the Trade-off between Redundancy and Cohesion in Extractive Summarization
Jhielson Montino Pimental
Unfolding Neurorobotics as a Tool to Investigate Regular and Disrupted Neural Activities using Humanoid Robots
Aiden Durrant
Self-Supervised Representation Learning in Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Embedding Space
Alec Diallo ๐
Active Intelligence for Secure Systems: Designing High-Performance, Robust, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems for Cyber-Security
Lucy Havens
Recalibrating Machine Learning for Social Biases: Demonstrating a New Methodology through a Case Study Classifying Gender Biases in Archival Documentation
Chloe Hequet
Biologically-informed Interpretable Deep Learning Techniques for BMI Prediction and Gene Interaction Detection
Shaun Macdonald
Investigating Emotionally Resonant Vibrations as a Calming Intervention for People with Social Anxiety
Florian Mathis
Moving usable security research out of the lab: evaluating the use of VR studies for real-world authentication research
Simon Davies
Contributions to Crypto-Ransomware Analysis and Detection
Gabriel Okolo
Machine learning Applications for Medical Imaging
Martin Ross
An Adaptive Robot for Sports and Rehabilitation Coaching
Patrick Schrempf
NLP-Supervised Stroke Detection in Medical Images
Tin Tironsakkul
Behind the Chain of Obscurity: Methodologies for Cryptocurrency Forensic Analysis
Best Supervisor Nominees
We are delighted to announce the following nominees. Congratulations to our winners who have a trophy beside their name!